Minggu, 07 Desember 2014

Hong Kong Statement- World Blind Union Asia-Pacific (WBUAP)

We the participants at the WBUAP Mid-Term Regional General Assembly (Assembly) in  Hong Kong, 24th November, 2014,

1. Call upon all governments throughout the Asia-Pacific region (region) to ratify the  Marrakesh Treaty at the earliest opportunity so that persons who are blind or partially  sighted (blind) or who have other print disability, have full access to works of  literature, culture and to educational materials.

2. Welcome the opportunity to co-operate with the United Nations (UN) Development  Programme to build capacity across the region so that persons who are blind or who  have print disability are able to advocate for greater access to information.

3. Encourage development organisations to work with governments to support data  collection, develop disability inclusive policies and strategies to progress the action  plan of the Incheon Strategy.

4. Urge all governments and relevant bodies throughout the region to make all efforts  toward the speedy ratification and effective implementation of the United Nations  Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). In particular,  prioritize to ensure the full and effective participation of persons with disabilities and  their representative organizations in strengthening independent monitoring  mechanisms, given that fewer than half of the countries in the world who have  ratified the UNCRPD have presented country and shadow reports to the UN.

5. Being moved by the enthusiasm and strong determination, expressed by women who  are blind through the Women’s Forum, campaign for the acceleration of women with  disabilities’ empowerment programmes, in accordance with the Asian and Pacific  inter-government Ministerial Declaration on Gender Equality and Women’s  Empowerment (UNESCAP, 2014).

6. In recognition of challenges and opportunities faced by youth who are blind in this  region, and the tremendous success of the Youth Forum held during this Assembly in  stimulating innovation and social entrepreneurship among youth of the region, it is  recommended that:
- a youth forum be held at future regional assemblies, and
- the World Blind Union (WBU) be requested to hold an international youth  summit.

7. Call upon all governments, businesses and other global partners to take the necessary  steps to ensure that essential technologies are available, accessible and affordable to  persons who are blind in the region, as it is through such technology that real  inclusion can be advanced and social isolation eliminated.

8. Initiate and implement a web accessibility campaign at the regional level to promote  the adoption of internationally recognised accessibility standards in web design,  APPs, e-learning and other ICT products and services; in consultation  with organizations of the blind.

9. Undertake to actively share best practice initiatives and programmes in areas of  fundraising and capacity development.

10. Noting  the high levels of unemployment and under employment of persons who are  blind in the region, task all governments to implement programs that enable full  participation in open employment including education programs for employers and  the community, transition to employment programs and the provision of specialist  equipment schemes by the government.

11. In recognizing that social enterprises have demonstrated their impact in creating  employment for persons who are blind, in changing public attitudes and in generating  funds to further the cause of the movement for people who are blind, the Assembly  urges the WBUAP and WBU to establish a task force to investigate how social  enterprises can be promoted and advanced.

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